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Small cones, low hurdles, for learning or kittens.  Or, can be used as weave markers or low weave-hurdles.

High quality cones and poles.  Use as hurdles, or zip tie hoops onto them.


These are the cones and poles we use in the agility ring at big expos and cat shows. See Costa Mesa 2016, for example.  Cones are about 16" high, bars are 39.5" long.  Only four are included.

5 feet long tunnel, open mesh, making the cat less likely to hide in the tunnel, and more fun to watch.


These long tunnels can be used in corners of the agility enclosure, but need to be secured somehow into the "L" shape, because they want to straighten out.

Square foam safety mats, used in all agility rings.


Use them inside the agility arena, and also a row on top of the tent flap, to prevent cats from escaping underneath, as shown here.

Half the size of the pads to the left, these are just 1-foot square.


These mats are good for putting the inside tunnels, or for raising up obstacles like the balance beams, or for distance jumps instead of tables.

A simple stopwatch, perfect for cat agility.  

16-inch diameter hoops, can be zip tied to cones, or onto styrophom hoops, in the center, doubled for depth

19-inch diameter hoops, preferred for zip-tieing to both sides of cones for hoop jumps.  The ring diameter depends on your method of attachment to the vertical holder.

A fun idea, these 18" truck steering wheel covers make excellent hoop jumps.  They are colorful, inexpensive, and durable.  Many colors are available.


The size for cars is 15", which is okay, but small for cat agility.


You can use your imagination when creating cat agility obstacles.

Nice Obstacles

Two of these, with a three-bar high hurdle in between, make a fun bubble jump.  


The balls are easy to inflate to mostly-firm, and it is interesting to see how quickly cats learn to balance on them.


See Paris 2016 for photos.

This is best general-use hurdle set.  


They are quality cones and good bars of a convenient length.  Not too high, excellent for training and running around the house.


Amazon is often sold out of this set, so order soon if it is available when you check for it.


Cones are 12" high, bars are 28" long. 6 cones, 6 bars per set.

Small tunnel, about 3 feet long, mesh on one side, this short tunnel can be used on the ground, or elevated on top of a box for added difficulty.

Cable ties (also called zip ties) hold together the multiple tents, the hoops on the cones, tunnels to cones, various decorations, signs on the tent framework, and other places.


14-inches is the most frequently used length. I use about 3 packages per big event.​

Occasionally I use these 36-inch cable ties, to zip together a pile of mats to make a jump platform, for instance.  Or to create hoop jjumps on tall cones.  

This is the best tool to cut cable ties. Scissors aren't strong enough. These are strong.  


We have two of these pruning shears in every ICAT supply bag at the shows.

Nice things from Please click the photos for information.

Big clear strong plastic bags, when it's time to put away the agility items.


These have been so much better than dark bags, because I can see what's in each bag.  This is one of those small discoveries that make things easier.

Large crates can hold hurdle bars, or a row can be used as a hurdle.

Mini-crate can be lined up on the floor in a double row to make a hurdle jump.

Styrofoam rings. 16" is my favorite diameter  Zip them to the cones with cable ties. See them in Costa Mesa 2016 and Denver 2016 photos.

These stackable, sturdy tables are flat for storage. Perhaps we will use them for elevated table to table jumps at the next event.

Weave poles.  Base needs to be filled with sand for stability.  Top half of the poles are not needed.


Weave poles are too easy for cats, because they are so flexible.  So we don't use them on the agility course.


Agility obstacles can be made out of things around your house, including plastic crates, books, wastebaskets, paper towel rolls, wood sticks and plastic pipes.  


The Standardized Course is coming soon.  It will include obstacles which test each of the skills (like balance) listed on the What is Agility page.


The obstacles below are professional grade, and are good for both home use and at cat shows or expositions. 


The essentials are: hurdles of varying heights, tunnels, hoop which can be zip-tied to the cones, and perhaps a narrow walk.  Weave poles are possible, but we have found them very easy for cats.  We have been experimenting with hoop weave jumps, and bar weave jumps.  


Two low tables which can be moved further and further apart are also good, because cats are precision distance jumpers.  


Be inventive.  Show the cat how you want to obstacle done.


Every course can be somewhat different, including at big public events.  Create your own course from these components.


We are developing a Standard course size and obstacles, which will be portable and convenient.

I am testing these

All of these obstacles are available from Please click the photos for information.

 Copyright © 2003-2017 by International Cat Agility Tournaments (ICAT) 

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